Winner Highlights September 2023

There’s no time like the present! That’s why Prizes-Now offers the free gift of entering daily to win some incredible giveaways without waiting to find out if you’ve won! With prizes as high as $555,000 and easy entry games, it’s a great way to spend your free time with the possibility of winning some serious cash or a very cool prize!

As you play, you’ll see how many matches you made in any given game. If you don’t match all of the numbers, you can still earn entries into our $50 Daily Cash Prize Drawing for each correct match you do get! We hold random drawings each night at Midnight Eastern time, so be sure to keep an eye on your email for potentially exciting news! It’s important to note that email is the only way we contact winners, so make sure your email address is current in your account, and be sure to check for emails from us.

Brenda G. in Broussard, Louisiana, got that fun email message after she won the $50 Daily Cash on September 5! Brenda chose to get her prize money by Amazon Gift Card, and that’s certainly the best way to shop online! We also offer a check by mail or PayPal payment. Just be sure to make your selection when responding to a winner email. Whichever way you choose to collect it, you can spend that prize money on anything you want!

Mark R. of Portales, New Mexico, added $50 to his bank account after he chose to be paid by check when he won the $50 Daily Cash Prize on September 10. It’s always nicer to see money going in than coming out of your bank balance, but when you do withdraw it we hope you find something special to use it for. That could mean a ride over to Walmart to buy a new pair of hiking shoes, or perhaps you’ll head to the farmer’s market to stock up on ingredients for a fun family dinner!

Yvette A. from Cohoes, New York, also got some great news in her email after she won the $100 Visa Gift Card special contest on September 14! A Visa Gift Card can be better than cash because you can use it for online shopping, to pay your bills, or even buy concert tickets or anything else you may want to spend it on! Of course, you can also go out and spend it on something fun like shopping or a nice dinner and a movie if that’s something you’d like to treat yourself and someone special to.

Willie A. in Dallas, Texas, saw a notification that money arrived in his PayPal account after he won the $50 Daily Cash Prize on September 21, and let us know that’s how he wanted to receive it. From there, all you have to do is transfer it to your bank account, or you can leave it in PayPal to use for online purchases or to send money to someone. You might be a person who likes to help others and sending a local charitable effort a donation via your PayPal account would do your heart good knowing you shared it with someone in need!

Julianna C. of Bothell, Washington, also added some extra money to her bank account when she won the $50 Daily Cash Prize on September 23, and chose to be paid by check. That’s always nice to hear that cha-ching and now with that extra cash on hand you might take a friend out for a fun time at FIVE Restaurant. You could relax over drinks on the patio, order some appetizers before the main course, and take your time enjoying a leisurely meal and good conversation!

Douglas S. in Henderson, Nevada, can talk to Alexa and find out lots of things, now that he won the Amazon Echo Dot special contest on September 28! You can also listen to music, hear the latest news and weather, tune in to your favorite radio stations, find out where your Amazon order is, ask Alexa to add things to your cart and check out your order, and get reminders when you’re running low on something and need to restock. Alexa will also alert you to any national weather notifications, and you can pair your smart devices like lighting so she can turn them on and off at your command. You can also set a schedule through Alexa if you want to arrive home with the lights on, or make sure they’re turned off at bedtime. You may even be in need of a laugh or two, so go ahead and ask Alexa to tell you a joke. Corny or not, it’s sure to bring a smile to your face!

Congrats to everyone who won this month. Keep playing to win Prizes-Now! We offer members twenty daily games to win cash from $500 to $555,000, completely free, along with eligible entries into the $50 Daily Cash Prize Giveaway!